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Joseph Conrad Today

Official Publication of The Joseph Conrad Society of America since 1975


Penang, 1910????



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Support for The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad
To the memory of Professor Zdzisław Najder (1930-2021), historian of literature, world-famous Conradian, long-time academic employee of the University of Opole.Dear Conradians, Dear Members of an Honorary Committee,  I would like to update you on the progress of work on the memorial plaque for Professor Najder.  There is already a design for the plaque (which will be cast in bronze) prepared by the sculptor Professor Marian Molenda. The University Senate has approved the project and given permission for the plaque to be installed on the University site. The University authorities have been pleasantly surprised by the number of Conradians and people of culture from all over the world who support this project. Once again, many thanks to all of you!  The next step is to fund the project. Professor Molenda, an employee of our University, is working on the plaque pro publico bono, but there are still expenses for materials, operation of the equipment and bookkeeping.I would therefore like to ask you to support the project financially by making a donation to the Opole University Foundation, which is responsible for the financial and accounting aspects of the project, but has no funds of its own.Joanna Skolik